JUNE 25 - JULY 10, 2016
In the “eye brows” of the Amazon, where the Andes Mountains meet the jungle, artworks from over 30 artists from six countries gathered to celebrate ancestral wisdom, creativity and peace, in the first visionary art exhibition of it’s kind in the territory of Mocoa, Colombia. It was called, “Seeds of the Anaconda.”
In alignment with the creation myth “Anaconda del Sur” that inspired this collection, Seeds of the Anaconda was born in rivers of the Amazon with the intension to activate the waters of honor for life, creativity, and the memory of ancient and sacred traditions to flow and inspire the world.
This first showing of Seeds of the Anaconda was created in honor of the 10th Anniversary gathering of El Llamado de la Montaña, an Eco-village network gathering sponsored by CASA that is composed of nine different “Vision Coucils” to discuss community challenges and goals in specific topics such as Arts & Culture, Trade & Solidarity, Eco-Villages, Social Movements, Ecology & Permaculture, Education, Ancestral Wisdom, Youth, and Children.
It is inspired by the creation myth of the Amazon jungles of Putumayo, Colombia. A myth synthesized by Taita Alfonso from the oral history told by the Kofanes, Tucanos, Arawaks, Uitoto, Muinanes, Bora, Ingas, Koreguajes, Piaroas, Piapocos, Desanos, Cubeos, Nukaks, Ticunas, Sionas people. A myth now known as “Anaconda Del Sur”.
At Centro Experimental Amazonico natural reserve of Corpoamazonia, in the center of a lake filled with alligators and ancient fish, 30 artists from six countries including Colombia, Peru, Costa Rica, United States, France, Russia, and India displayed their work with pride and excellence. Though these artists gather from across the globe, one can see similarity in their artwork and vision as they express their ancestral heritage, relationship to the Earth, and share personal experiences of “the world unseen” through art, prints, photography and sculpture.

This exhibit features artists, Pablo Amaringo, Tata Juan Bautista Ussa Ullune, Raul Casillas, Liba W.S., Luis Tamani, Jeison Castillo, Jorge Lewis, Yuluka, Oscar Gonzales “Guache”, Azael Valderrama, Jose Ismael Manco, Anastasia Rurikov Simes, Beatrice Mellinger, Michael Platt, Tim Davis, Madeline Lynch, Colectivo Nactofilia, Monica Guzman, Ryan B. Curtis, Tatiana Kiselyova, Elio Livio, Jonathan Cadavid Martin, Gown Varanasi, Jaoquin Vila “Juako” and more.
Seeds of the Anaconda, as an event, included live musical performances, video, artist talks, vibrational activation and spacial awareness exercises, creative activities for children, and guided tours.