Through art & oral history, stories of one’s culture are handed down from generation to generation and hold the woven threads of collective wisdom, tradition, and cultural memory. These stories are painted by mythological and symbolic expressions to describe lessons and ideas about life, death, creation, and the cosmo-vision of a particular culture.


Seeds of the Anaconda was birthed in the "eyebrows" of the Amazon, where the Andes Mountains meet the jungle, at Centro Experimental Amazonico natural reserve of Corpoamazonia, in the center of a lake filled with alligators and ancient fish .
In the first exhibit of its kind in the territory of Mocoa, 30 artists including local and international artists, from Colombia, Peru, Costa Rica, United States, France, Russia, and India gathered to celebrate ancestral wisdom, creativity and peace.
This first exhibit was created in honor of the 10th Anniversary of El Llamado de la Montaña, an Eco-village network gathering sponsored by CASA that is composed of nine different “Vision Coucils” to discuss community challenges and goals in specific topics such as Arts & Culture, Trade & Solidarity, Eco-Villages, Social Movements, Ecology & Permaculture, Education, Ancestral Wisdom, Youth, and Children.

Black Barby Music Festival Black Barby Music Festival
December 2017 Sierra Nevada - COLOMBIA

The second activation of Seeds of the Anaconda took place in the sacred lands of Sierra Nevada, Colombia at the Yumake Eco-Logde for a 7 day gathering of artists, musicians, indigenous elders, and families called Agguaniley.
This exhibition was in collaboration with the European Visionary Art Collective of Dreams & Divinities.
Together we exhibited the artwork in the Maloka (ceremonial house) where we held ceremony and engaged in sacred dialogued centered around art, storytelling, and mythology, discussing the work from both indigenous and western perspectives.
For community action and "minga" (sacred community work), artists and guests painted a mural on the local abandoned school house with the purpose of planting the seed to reactivate it as a place in the coming years for educational and artistic exchange between the local towns people and indigenous people of the territory.